
Wood-Pigeon's Prayer (a sonnet)

They say that cats as cats their keepers view,
grotesque and weirdly large, but even so
as cats. Is this the very hubris that
drives men to see in their creator their
own image, see their own grim vision in
the fair creations of the blind? Proud owl
cries out "who?" from executive perch, as
if disturbed by his own warped reflection,
and hopes for silence only in reply.
Goodly wood-pigeon sighs it to herself
softly, balancing on the washing-line
'til the dimpsey hours, as if she were hoarse
from asking over and over again:
"Who, who, who? Who? Who? Who is up there? Who?" more about this...

The Heron Complex

One day a virile grey Heron swept down from the aether, unusual on our estate and an especially incongruous sight in our decaying back garden. With long beak it snatched up from the pond each knackered goldfish, choking them down one after another until none were left. After sitting quietly for a moment in gloating contentment up on the fence it was soon away with a rolling clatter of its great wings. I wasn’t there to see the assault, but my father, the custodian of the goldfish pond, relayed to me what had happened, his face growing red as he recalled the bitter slight. He cursed every sorry Heron in our sorry Albion and, stung by new purpose, began the persecution. more...